
Wendy Buckingham

Wendy is an Intuitive energy healer, Soul Frame™ artist, medium, Property psychic & Buyers Agent. She can connect you more clearly to your own higher self and Angels and Guides. No more frustration! And you manifest more easily too!

Have a look at her Soul Essence Drawings, and maybe request one of yourself. You as beautiful pure energy.

Wendy opened her third eye three years ago (via YouTube video!), at 50, to help her mother transition from this life. She recovered her past lives as an energy healer & in the Akashic Records. She spends time with her grandbabies and is a Top 10 Singer-songwriter. She has brought along some physical items for sale, that help connect to Earth energy, and Angel energy for when you go back home.

To connect with Wendy Buckingham email wendypsychic@hotmail.com or find her on Facebook (5) Wendy Buckingham | Facebook. She works from home in Mascot, Sydney and via Zoom.

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