Jennifer Genest is a kinetic, somatic movement adept who has been practicing her entire life beginning with dance, gymnastics, music, arts and vocal coherence in her youth to the in-depth embodiment practices of eastern traditional healing arts over the last decade.
In 2018, Jennifer began a new journey to Australia to pursue traditional Hatha yoga studies, completed 500+hrs Yoga Teacher Training program with Yoga Synergy, taught classes in Sydney, she broadened her scope of knowledge of the human body, leading her curiosity into further realms. In 2019, she facilitated her own workshops in Canada, transmitted the wisdom from her inspiration. Later she accepted an internship program as Assistant Teacher at YTT programs and workshops in Italy, France, USA, Indonesia, Thailand, Israel, India, UAE and Australia with world renowned yogic master Simon Borg-Olivier, (Physiotherapist).
To deepen the depth of body practices, in 2020 she began her life path calling of Kinesiology now specialised in Energy Psychology at the Byron Kinesiology Schools Australia with Parijat Wismer to explore the subtle yet powerful energy fields of the human body. She had the privilege of learning Qi Gong, Neigong, Yang Mian internal martial arts directly with Master Zhen Hua Yang, Calligraphy Health in Australia.
Jennifer unravels the truth within through spiritual development to understand more of the potential of humanity. Sharing her practical functionality, creativity, therapeutic application in life, in her own clinic, practice and group workshops, she collaborates with researchers and esoteric mystics such as ancient shamanic traditional ceremonial practices guided by Sandra Ingerman, M. A., and initiatory practises of Ancient Egyptian Mysteries connected to Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully.