
Shakti Burke

Discovering space and simplicity in your life, ease in body and mind, are the gifts of yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Being a yoga and mindfulness teacher through the decades has been a gratifying calling. I’ve delighted in honing the skills, from my 20s with a stint in an Indian ashram through to my 60s as a grandma and online mindfulness teacher. There’s always more to learn: recent quals are the 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield; Positive Neuroplasticity Training with Rick Hanson and iRest Level 1. I’d love to see a world with more meditators: we’re hard nuts to crack by self-serving corporate interests. Taking control of your life is an achievable inner mission which blossoms outward to touch everyone around you. Find more at HOME (joyfulmind.net.au).

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