Patricia first came to yoga while recovering from a back injury 15 years ago. After two years of intensive physiotherapy, acupuncture and clinical pilates, she had restored her lower back muscles and connective tissue to health, but had lost mobility in the shoulder area and with it, her open heart. Patricia’s soul led her to yoga, to recover upper spine mobility.
After practising a number of styles she became grounded in a practise that recognises diversity of both anatomy and mindset. She attunes sequences and cues to the uniqueness of each individual from a holistic perspective, adjusting each pose according to the student’s individual needs. Her focus as a teacher in the last 7 years has been on the synergy of body and mind while maintaining optimal alignment for each body type.
Having completed her yoga teacher training in 2015 with Shri Yoga Brisbane, under Julie Smerdon, she undertook further studies in therapeutic yoga sequencing and functional yoga with master teachers Desiree Rumbaugh, Ross Rayburn, Amy Ippolity and Benjamin Finnerty, all of whom are senior Anusara certified teachers.
Patricia’s style is to build on each pose gradually, allowing the student’s body and mind to integrate, as their muscles become familiar with the poses and they learn to move in time with their breath.