
Yihan Hu (Singapore)

Having practiced and taught yoga in Asia for nearly a decade, Yihan has witnessed and experienced the profound benefits of regular yoga practice for both herself and her students. For Yihan, yoga is not merely an exercise routine; it is a way of life, and she has discovered her true calling in spreading this holistic practice to a wider audience. She firmly believes that all forms of yoga practice offer unique advantages on various levels. Yihan’s classes are centered around achieving harmony between the yin and yang aspects of physical and mental practice. Whether the class is gentle, strong, or intense, Yihan’s ultimate hope is for her students to find joy in their yoga journey. As she often reminds them, “Stay safe, and have fun!” – there is always sweet savasana at the end as an oasis of calm and groundedness.

The selfless and generous nature displayed by her own teachers continues to inspire and motivate Yihan in her role as a teacher today. She is also immensely grateful to her students, who have bestowed upon her the privilege of sharing her passion with humility.

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Mark Sixma