
Jeniffer Castillo

The creation of Shakti Space has been the result of a personal journey of searching for a deeper spiritual connection through my sexuality. Many of us are waking up to the need for a connection that produces satisfaction beyond the release of physical tension, beyond a nice and intense sensation of pleasure  but yet short.

Something in our souls is “remembering” that through sexuality we can achieve personal empowerment and a mystical – spiritual connection with a partner. This is something that has been known to eastern schools in India as Tantra and China as Taoism.

And in our western world it has been kept as a secret that has belonged only to esoteric schools and was reserved only to a certain hierarchy of initiates. Today, with the openness to information that exists in the world, all people have access to that information and we are beginning to integrate it and apply it little by little in our lives.

During my personal journey and I discovered a wonderful women, She is a Venezuelan Doctor by profession  who became my teacher since then.

Dr Maria Gabriela Santini, founder of The School of Sexuality and Spirituality.

Twelve years after and due to the beautiful and expansive results that I have experienced, my concern arose to share it and teach others what I have learned, so that they too can begin to walk on this path.

I invite you to participate in the different formations that Shakti Space will be offering and I am sure that it will reveal a fascinating world for you” With love for you all,



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