Daisy Kaye

Daisy Kaye

DAISY KAYE, Cacao Priestess, Body & Breath worker, Tao-Tantric Practitioner Daisy Kaye is fun, playful and wise and is passionately committed medicine woman here to support the personal growth in the arts of self love and care. She is the founder of The School of...
Krisy Conroy & Krti Psyskrit

Krisy Conroy & Krti Psyskrit

Krisy is Co-Founder of Shamanic Transcendence, she is a fully qualified Registered Nurse, Psychiatric Nurse of 30 years, An Ordained Shamanic Minister, Certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, trained By Linda Star Wolf. Also, trained by Leonard Orr, founder of...
Sophie Sämrow

Sophie Sämrow

Sophie, the founder of Conscious Flow Breathwork, is a passionate Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness, Sound Journey facilitator, Reiki Practitioner, Cacao ceremonialist and Holistic Health Coach. Opening your heart, connecting to your highest self, raising your...